The service starts with the Resurrection Narrative and the threefold call of "Christ is Risen" from two Deacons outside the Holy Altar, the Priest replies with "He is Risen Indeed" then the Deacon cries three times "Lift up your gates, O you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in." taken from Psalm 24 and the Gospel of Nicodemus.
The Priest will then ask "Who is this King of glory?" and the Deacon reply with "The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle." (again Psalm 24)
This is followed with the Procession. The deacon outside will knock the Altar gate 3 times and it will open revealing the Icon and Holy flame, which is collected by all of the Congregation for the 7 fold procession around the Church and outside with cries of "Christ is Risen, He is Risen indeed!" and Paschal Hymns.
I have no photos of this since at this time my Camera was in my bag at the back of the Church.
This is then followed by the Divine Liturgy, with cries of "Christ is Risen" throughout and a joyous mood.
When the Liturgy is ended Red Painted eggs, herbs and Petals from the Funeral service and Holy Water from the Thursday Lacan Service (As well as the traditional Antidoron.) Then there is a feast and celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord.
Later that morning we visit the Local Cemetary to say prayers for the departed and placing a Red painted egg and candles on the graves of our departed congregation.
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